Jews Beheaded |
According to traditional Muslim sources, Huwayyisa was converted to Muhammad’s religion by the religious fervor with which his brother, Muhayyisa, beheaded a prominent Jew named, Yahudha. It seems that Huwayyisa was impressed that Muhayyisa enjoyed beheading Yahudha who had actually benefited him in times past. Furthermore, Huwayyisa was struck with the fact that that Muhayyisa would have beheaded him, if Muhammad had requested him to do it. Muhammad pacified the Aus by letting them behead some of the Jews too. The following is a quotation of the account as given in “The Life of Muhammad” by Ibn Ishaq on page 752.
The Sunan of Abu Dawud states,
Last edited 02/22/2000 |
Ripped Apart |
Zayd ibn Haritha, who was Muhammad’s ex-slave, was the third person to be converted to Muhammad’s religion. Although he was Muhammad’s companion for a long time, Zayd was revengeful, cruel, and without compassion. What a contrast between the companions of Muhammad and the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. The followers of Jesus saw an example of one who walk in submissive love and healing power among men. Umm Qirfa Fatima, daughter of Rabi’a, was a very old women when Zayd led an attack against her village. This old lady was capture and ordered to be killed. As cruel as it is to kill an old helpless woman, Muhammad’s disciple had lost all feelings of human decency and ordered Qays b. Al-Musahhar to kill her. Like cruel animals sporting with prey, Muhammad’s warriors decided to rip Umm’s body in two. They were getting excited, soon they would hear her cries for mercy, screams, and the sounds of her bones breaking inside her stretched out body. They grabbed her legs and tied each leg to a separate rope. They did not want to kill her first and then desecrate her body. They needed the screams, the breaking bones, the tearing flesh, and the hot pulsating blood flowing from her body to have a climax of sadistic pleasure. After the ropes were tied firmly and securely to two strong camels, they whipped the camels, driving them to pull with their greatest force. At first there were just the cries for mercy, and then the screams of unbearable pain. After that, the bones started to break and joints between bones pulled apart. Finally, the flesh and blood vessels tore apart and her frail body ripped in two. Their diabolic sport had no sense of modesty when they exposed her body to their prying eyes. Finally, the sadistic pleasure was over, and they had to untied the ropes from the camels that were pulling the two pieces of her mangled and bloody corpse. Qays b. Al-Musahhar had supervised the killing of Umm. Afterwards, he could not contain his bragging and boasting. So, Qays wrote a poem in honor of himself for killing Mas’ada. He believed there was no greater joy than killing for Muhammad and his religion. The ancient Muslim sources leave us the following record,
It is our desire that our readers will consider their sins before the Day of the Last Judgment. The answer to your deep spiritual need is found in Jesus Christ who died for others. 1 Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, Translated by A. Guillaume, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, (Re-issued in Karachi, Pakistan, 1967, 13th impression, 1998) 1955, p.665. Last edited 03/11/2001 |